Monday, November 8, 2010


Has there ever been a time when you found yourself around so called church people and all they did was judge you? How did it make you feel? Sometimes people get excited about the word and all the new things they are learning and are eager to share. There is nothing wrong with that. It is how we share. The goal is the spread the blood of Jesus and bring as many people that are lost into blessing. We are not to be off putting and drive them away with our actions. Sometimes we get so judgemental that we forget that we were once lost ourselves. We are not here to judge others, we are here to love them and help them on a path to righteousness. "And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to him, Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her."( John 8:7) That is none of us, we are all sinners, as Christians we should not say we are better than those who are not Christians. We know we need help from Christ that's why we are Christians. The key to this blessing from God is to share it with as many people as possible. Let us not judge, let us help. Let us be examples to all so when they observe us they see that their is something spacial about us. Our grace that God gave us, our salvation is not a secret. It is not for a selected few. We must spread the word every opportunity we get. Pushing people away by judging them will not gain more soldiers in this holy battle we are fighting. We need as many soldiers as we can get. Use our various platforms to bring them in with love, not cast them off with hate. Stay thirsty my friends....

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