Thursday, September 30, 2010


Chapter 4 deals with an age old question that non-believers constantly try to attack us with. Does God hear our prayers? Duh!! As Christians God has given us a direct line of communication with him to discuss or request whatever our hearts desire. There is no middle man, we speak to The Father which is a gift that most other religions cannot offer their followers. It is almost like we have an upper hand on our salvation, because anytime we want to pick up the prayer phone our Father will answer. The line is never busy and we are never disconnected, it is an amazing feeling we can never take for granted. It is up to us not to buy in to the garbage these people try and sell us based on prayers not being answered in a "timely" fashion. "But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself; the Lord hears when I all to him." He hears us, hear keeps account of all our prayers we send up. Along with our prayer God wants us to take the time to sit alone and meditate in a silent place that is away from everything. It is not enough to pray and pray along we need to clear our minds when we do, and I know if you are like me you pray on little things all day it can be hard to get in a quiet place, but at least once a day it is good. Chapter 4 also says, "Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the Lord." The things I love the most it seems at times are sweets and other fatty foods, so those are the things i sacrifice to the Lord. It may sound some but there is no small our large sacrifices if they come from the heart. It is one thing to send our request up to the Lord, but we also need to do our part. We must abide by the guidelines that He has laid out for successful prayer. We cannot imagine getting our needs met if we don't meet our Father's. People will use every angle to get us off our pivot, we have to be an example to these people because the moment you decide you are a follower of Christ all eyes will be on you. You have to understand the love that the Lord puts in our heart out weighs all things earthly. People will attempt to tempt you with everything under the sun so you can be more like them but we have to stay steadfast in our faith and have the courage to be different. We have to strive not be like everyone else, to be peculiar! They cannot offer you anything that the Lord cannot deliver 10 fold, the choice is ours to stay upright or falter. Remember that the Lord always has our back if we are part of his flock, but do we have the courage to be the example for the masses and have his?

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