Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Chapter 9 gives us the chance to stand up on the highest mountain and give praise to God for all the wonderful things he has done for us in our life. He does not turn his back on us so we have to show the same if not more love to God. He is a fair and awesome God but he is also a selfish God in that he demands our undivided attention. If that is all my father asks of me I have no problem giving him my all. I look at the blessing he has giving me and look at the life I sometimes choose to live and know that grace God gave me allowed the blessings to take place. He rewards me in spite of me. So yes I shout out how much I love the Lord and appreciate his hands on my life. He brings my enemies to their knees in front of me, fights the battle before I have to lift a hand. "When my enemies turn back,  they stumble and perish before your presence." Wow! He is a no nonsense Lord and we are his children, God will not let our foes get the best of us. He will strike down with a vengeance never before seen to protect his children. They will be destroyed for generations, he will, "blot out their name forever and ever." All for his children. God is a fair God that judges us harshly as his flock because he expects so much out of us, he also is swift in his defense of us as his children. He is with us when we feel down and that the world has turned its back on us. The Lord assures us that through him every form of oppression we face on earth can be overthrown. " O, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek you." In times of oppression we must not forget the Lord's promise for us, we need not worry too much because God has promised that he will always be in our corner as long as we accept him and keep our promise to him. It is a two way street. He will not let mere man prevail over us no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in. We must have the courage amidst turmoil to shout the praise to The up most High to ask for help and it will be granted! "For the needy shall not always be forgotten, and the hope of the poor shall perish forever." We will not always be the have nots, our time will come and when it does we should draw on the times were we felt hopeless and give thanks to God for bringing us out of that state and to Glory. Man can not hold down the believer, he is far to inferior to what God has at his disposal. They are but men, we as Christians are Christ like, and through God albe to move mountains with our faith.

1 comment:

  1. Jason I've been reading your blog everyday and your words and thoughts resonate through my soul. I'm inspired,enlightened and spiritually eduacated as a result of God touching you this way.
